Alternative investments
Altaal is a value driven investment firm acting both as principal investor and asset manager.
We structure, invest and provide external capital for green real estate, transition infrastructure and sustainable credit opportunities.
Our investment style offers a unique and direct operational approach through our knowledge platforms and their niche strategies coupled with a bespoke ESG agenda.
+ 15 %
Historical return
+ 10
€ 10 +
Transaction experience
100 %
Sustainability status
Certified buildings
Capital solutions

About capital solutions

About credit

About infrastructure
Real estate

About real estate
Value creation
Our proven and systematic investment process involves skilled professionals from different backgrounds to evaluate every aspect of each investment and business plan, which increases the success rate of our underwriting.
Our engagement is not limited in time, and we do not have any predetermined return requirements. We target attractive risk-adjusted returns, without compromising our core values.
Altaal is a signatory and supporter of the internationally recognised Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), member of INREV and member IPE.

Our office

Regeringsgatan 59

Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersHarvest time for real estate credit During October, NCP 2XL generated a return of +0.64% (+14.4% YTD) thanks to a continued recovery in our real estate related investments. But now harvest season for real estate credit is here. Sign up and read our full monthly report:
@colonytoimitilatToivotamme Mehiläisen tervetulleeksi Colony Airportiin! 🌿 @mehilainenoy Olemme innoissamme voidessamme ilmoittaa, että olemme solmineet vihreän vuokrasopimuksen Mehiläisen kanssa, joka muuttaa 1 500 neliömetrin tiloihin LEED Platinum -sertifioidussa rakennuksessamme kesäkuussa 2025. Mehiläinen on yksi Suomen luotetuimmista yksityisistä terveydenhuollon tarjoajista ja mukana toteuttamassa visiotamme kestävästä ja modernista työympäristöstä. Tervetuloa Colony Airportiin! ✈️ *** Colony welcomes Mehiläinen to Colony Airport! 🌿 We are excited to announce that we have signed a green lease with Mehiläinen, who will move into 1,500 sqm at our LEED Platinum-certified building in June 2025. Mehiläinen, one of Finland’s most trusted private healthcare providers, will help us realize our vision of creating sustainable and modern work environments. Welcome to Colony Airport, where sustainability meets innovation! ✈️ #greenlease #sustainability #realestate #leasingnews #ColonyOffices #toimitilat #toimisto #uusitoimisto #newbeginnings #kiinteistökehitys
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices🌿 Colony welcomes Mehiläinen to Colony Airport! 🌿 We are excited to announce that we have signed a green lease with Mehiläinen, who will move into 1,500 sqm at our LEED Platinum-certified building in June 2025. Mehiläinen, one of Finland’s most trusted private healthcare providers, will help us realize our vision of creating sustainable and modern work environments. Welcome to Colony Airport, where sustainability meets innovation! ✈️ #greenlease #sustainability #realestate #leasingnews #ColonyOffices
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid officesYesterday, Colony board member Klaus Hansen Vikström was featured in Fastighetsvärlden! We’re proud to have Klaus on Colony’s team. Read his chronicle and join us in shaping green workplaces that foster connection, creativity, and collaboration. 🏢💼☕🌿 Read more here (Swedish only)
@colonytoimitilatKesälomien jälkeen on jälleen herännyt laaja keskustelu etä-, hydridi- ja läsnätyöstä 🗣️ Me Colonylla kannustamme yrityksiä ratkaisuihin, jotka vastaavat sekä työntekijöiden että liiketoiminnan tarpeisiin dynaamisessa ja nopeasti muuttuvassa työympäristössä. Colonyn kaikkien toimipaikkojen tilat on suunniteltu tukemaan hybridityötä: tarjoamme niin hiljaisia tiloja keskittymistä vaativiin tehtäviin kuin myös avoimia tiloja tiimityöskentelyyn ja sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Haluamme aidosti panostaa työntekijöiden hyvinvointiin sekä kukoistavaan yrityskulttuuriin! 💎🙌 *** After the holidays, a wide discussion about remote, hybrid and presence work has arisen again 🗣️ At Colony, we encourage companies to come up with solutions that meet the needs of both employees and business in a dynamic and rapidly changing work environment. The spaces at all of Colony’s locations are designed to support hybrid work: we offer quiet spaces for tasks that require concentration, as well as open spaces for teamwork and social interaction. We really want to invest in the well-being of employees and a thriving company culture! 💎🙌 #hybridwork #teamwork #office #newoffice #hybridityöskentely #toimisto #toimistoelämää #toimitilat #toimitilathelsinki #toimitilatespoo #toimitilatvantaa #uusitoimisto #vapaatatoimitilaa
@ALTAALExpo Real 2024: We are looking forward to meet with old and new friends to discuss real estate themes and trends. Available in Munich on October 7-9.
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid officesWelcome, Sustera Group! 🌍✨ We're thrilled to announce that Colony has signed a green lease with Sustera Group for approximately 3,000 sqm in our Pitäjänmäki office. Sustera, known for its mission to enhance building value, health, and environmental friendliness, will move in January 2025. With a BREEAM environmental certification and spaces designed for productivity and collaboration, Colony Pitäjänmäki is the perfect fit for forward-thinking companies like Sustera. #GreenLease #SustainableOffice #ColonyOffices #Sustera #Pitäjänmäki #EcoFriendly #WorkplaceWellbeing
@colonytoimitilatMeillä on ilo ilmoittaa, että Colony on allekirjoittanut vuokrasopimuksen @susterafinland kanssa noin 3000 neliömetristä toimistotilaa Pitäjänmäen toimistorakennuksessamme. Sustera, joka tunnetaan missiostaan parantaa rakennusten arvoa ja ympäristöystävällisyyttä, muuttaa tiloihin tammikuussa 2025. Pitäjänmäen rakennuksemme tarjoaa upeita palveluja, kuten kaksi kuntosalia, yhteissähköauton, pyykkipalvelut sekä herkulliset ravintolapalvelut Maple Street -ravintolaasa ja Cafe Roastissa. Lisäksi se on erittäin helposti saavutettavissa Huopalahden juna-aseman ja Raide-Jokerin ansiosta. BREEAM-ympäristösertifikaatin ja tuottavuutta ja yhteistyötä edistävien tilojen ansiosta Colony Pitäjänmäki on täydellinen valinta edistyksellisille yrityksille kuten Sustera. Tervetuloa, Sustera Group! 🌍✨ // We’re thrilled to announce that Colony has signed a green lease with Sustera Group for approximately 3,000 sqm in our Pitäjänmäki office. Sustera, known for its mission to enhance building value, health, and environmental friendliness, will move in January 2025 Welcome, Sustera Group! 🌍✨ #GreenLease #SustainableOffice #ColonyOffices #Sustera #Pitäjänmäki #EcoFriendly #workplacewellbeing #greenhybridoffice #greenoffice #helsinkitoimisto #toimitilat #uusitoimisto #uudettoimitilat #toimistonmuutto
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersMonthly report May, Please contact [email protected] for access. Marketing communication - only intended for professional/well informed investors. Please refer to the prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk.
@colonytoimitilatOnko Colony Lounge -konseptimme vielä tuttu? Me tarjoamme ainutlaatuisen hybridityöskentelyratkaisun, joka yhdistää toimiston parhaat puolet kotityöskentelyn joustavuuteen. Kaikille vuokralaisillemme avoimet Colony Lounge tilat löytyvät kaikista toimipisteistämme aulan läheisyydestä keskeiseltä paikalta. Lounge-tiloissa voit siis työskennellä tehokkaasti kaikissa Colony toimipisteissämme – olipa päätyöpisteesi missä tahansa. Joustavuutta ja vaihtelua työpäiviin! // Are you yet familiar with our Colony Lounge-concept? We offer a unique hybrid workspace solution that combines the best of office amenities with the flexibility of remote work. You can find Colony Lounges in all our locations and they are spaces dedicated to all our tenants. Here, you can work efficiently in any of our office locations – no matter where your main office is. Flexibility and variety in workdays! Design @suunnittelutoimistopilke #hybridityöskentely #colony #työelämä #colonyoffices #hybridworking #officeinnovation #workplacedesign #flexiblework #futureofwork #officegoals #colonylounge #officelounge
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersMonthly report April, Please contact [email protected] for access. Marketing communication - only intended for professional/well informed investors. Please refer to the prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk. #nordic #credit #sustainable
@ALTAALToday, @ALTAAL ran 5k for
@colonytoimitilatYesterday Colony hosted an event at our office in Tapiola for tenant representatives and lease brokers. The afternoon featured homemade hamburgers by Tapiola’s own chef, Jari, a tour of our facilities, and a friendly golf competition in our simulator. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the evening successful. Looking forward to more events like this! ⛳️🍔
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid officesColony recently hosted an event at our office in Tapiola for tenant representatives and lease brokers. The afternoon featured homemade hamburgers by Tapiola's own chef, Jari, a tour of our facilities, and a friendly golf competition in our simulator. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the evening successful. Looking forward to more events like this! ⛳️🍔
@colonytoimitilatOlemme Suomalais-ruotsalaisen kauppakamarin ylpeitä jäseniä! Tämä kumppanuus ei ainoastaan vahvista markkina-asemaamme, vaan edistää myös Suomen ja Ruotsin arvokkaita suhteita. Odotamme innolla uusien mahdollisuuksien kartoittamista ja jatkuvaa kasvua yhdessä. // We at Colony are proud members of the Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce! This partnership not only strengthens our market position but also promotes the valuable relations between Finland and Sweden. We look forward to exploring new opportunities and continuing to grow together.
@ALTAALArticle in @Dagens Industri on the
@ALTAALWe are pleased to announce the merger with @Nordic Credit Partners, creating a SEK 6 billion investment firm focusing on green real estate, transition infrastructure and sustainable credit opportunities.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit Partners@Nordic Credit Partners offentliggör idag att vi går samman med
@ALTAALWe highlighted the importance of offering EU-taxonomy-aligned office premises that are social and unique if you want to compete for tomorrow's tenants.
@colonytoimitilatKoe työn tulevaisuus Colonyn hybriditoimistoratkaisujen avulla. ✨Innovatiivinen suunnittelumme yhdistää mukavuuden ja toiminnallisuuden, varmistaen että jokainen nurkka työtiloissamme on optimoitu sekä yhdessä tekemiseen että yksintyöskentelyyn. // Embrace the future of work with Colony’s hybrid office solutions. Our innovative designs blend comfort and functionality, ensuring that every corner of your workspace is optimized for both collaborative and individual tasks. #hybridityöskentely #colony #työelämä #colonyoffices #hybridworking #officeinnovation #workplacedesign #flexiblework #futureofwork #officegoals
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersMonthly report March, Please contact [email protected] for access. Marketing communication - only intended for professional/well informed investors. Please refer to the prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk. #nordic #credit #sustainable
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices🤝 ANOTHER GREEN LEASE SIGNED WITH COLONY 🤝 Colony has signed a green lease with SSH Communications Security Oyj for approximately 1,000 square meters. SSH will move in during the fall of 2024. “We were immediately captivated by the distinctive quality and innovative design of Colony's premises. It's evident that Colony doesn't just provide office spaces; they create environments that inspire and energise. This alignment with our own values made the decision to partner with Colony an easy one. We are excited to move into a space that so clearly reflects our commitment to excellence and forward-thinking.” says Michael Kommonen, CFO of SSH Read more about about Colony Pitäjänmäki here:
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersMonthly report February, Please contact [email protected] to get access. Marketing communication - only intended for professional/well informed investors. Please refer to the prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk. #nordic #credit #sustainable
@colonytoimitilatJännittäviä uutisia! 🎉 Uusi vuokralainen liittyy pian joukkoomme Tietotielle Colony Airporttiin! Täällä juuri remontista valmistuneet tilat odottavat uusia työntekijöitä ja kalusteita.🤩 Remontoimme tilat avaimet käteen -periaatteella valmiiksi logistiikka-alalla toimivan asiakasyrityksemme toiveiden mukaisesti. ✨ Tervetuloa uudet vuokralaiset! 📦 #toimisto #toimitilat #toimistovuokraus #uusitoimisto #avaimetkäteen #tilaremontit #remontti #toimistoremontti
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersIt was a true privilege hosting another well attended breakfast seminar on the ever so topical theme, “Swedish Economy and Housing Market”. Speaker, SBAB:s chief economist Robert Boije, engaged the crowd. Thank you to investors and counterparts filling the gallery, contributing with insightful questions. A special thank you to @Robert Boije for an enlightening and highly relevant presentation! Keep your eyes open for updates on our next seminar schedule to take place in Q2.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersHot off the press, Please contact [email protected] to get access to the monthly report. Marketing communication - only intended for professional/well informed investors. Please refer to the prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk. #nordic #highyield #sustainable
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersQ4 and full 2023 updated, Please contact [email protected] to get access to the broadcast. ♦ Top decile performance and a superior risk-adjusted return summarises 2023. ♦ The turn of the year marked NCP:s 10th anniversary. Best in class 10Y performance metrics. ♦ Favorable conditions to continue generate value to investors, well in line with target returns. Disclaimer: For marketing purposes – please refer to the Prospectus before making any final investment decisions. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. Investments pose a risk. #quarterlyreport #sustainability #nordic #highyield #highyieldbonds #alpha #bestinclass #annualreport
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersThank you – we had a blast! Your presence and participation at our 10-year anniversary and housewarming party made the occasion truly memorable. We are overwhelmed and grateful for the opportunity to share this special moment with you - our valued counterparts, partners, colleagues, family and friends! A special thank you to acquaintance traveling all the way from France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland to join our celebrations. We also extend our gratitude for the thoughtful gifts, kind words, high-fives, smiles, and warm wishes. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated! As we reflect on the past decade and look forward to the future, we are thrilled about the opportunities to continue to do something market leading even better – onwards and upwards. NCP
@ALTAALMerry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from @ALTAAL to all our clients and partners. 🎄Our real asset strategy is performing where we have seen rent increases well above the historical mean. The firm has made several strategic advancements in the new market environment including a London office, deepened credit know-how and a portfolio exceeding SEK 4bn with high ESG standards. 🎅We are now looking forward to 2024 and hope for it to bring an active transaction market with interesting opportunities, something we already start to see in our pipeline. 👪This year, we bring hope to children’s future by sponsoring young girls in need through
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersNordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersNordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit Partners@SEB Investment Outlook out this morning: “Not since the final phase of the dotcom crash around the turn of the millennium have share valuations been as high as today compared to fixed income investments. However, the risk premium for corporate bonds is more normal, which has led to a unique situation where yields on BBB-rated bonds … are higher than the forecast earnings yield”
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersToday, we had the privilege hosting a breakfast seminar on the subject “Swedish climate strategy - in the light of Fit-for-55”. Speaker, the highly newsworthy economist professor John Hassler, presented his proposal assigned by the Swedish government. Investors and stakeholders filled the gallery to the last seat. A big thank you to professor @John Hassler for an enlightening and much relevant presentation! Keep your eyes open for our next seminar taking place in Q1 2024.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersQuarterly update Q3 2023 ♦ Positive return in both strategies during the quarter (outperformance YTD). ♦ "NCP III" concluded with best-in-class return. ♦ Favorable conditions to continue deliver an appealing risk-adjusted return. Please contact [email protected] to get access to the broadcast. #quarterlyreport #sustainability #nordic #highyield #highyieldbonds #alpha #bestinclass
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersColony
@colonytoimitilatHalloween is here 🎃🍂🍰 Colony Pitäjänmäen @maplest_caferoast taitavan leipurin loihtimat Halloween-herkut eivät jätä kyllä ketään kylmäksi 👀👻. ENG: The Halloween treats created by the skilled baker at Colony Pitäjänmäki @maplest_caferoast definately won’t leave anyone cold 👻👀. #halloween #halloweentreats #halloweenbaking #halloweenfood #halloweenleivonta #halloweenkakku #halloweenherkut #toimisto #toimistoelämää #officelife
@bolivobostadKom och möt oss och prata seniorboende på Björkalundsdagen lördagen den 21/10!
@bolivobostadLounge i Bolivo Norrköping. Här kan man ju tänka sig att ta en kopp kaffe eller läsa en tidning. Våra Mäklare på Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling i Norrköping tar emot intresseanmälningar för fullt inför byggstart.
@colonytoimitilat🏢 Esittelyssä Colony - Tulevaisuuden toimistotilat! 🚀 Viimeisen vuoden aikana olemme tehneet kovasti töitä luodaksemme jotain todella merkittävää - uuden toimitilaelämyksen pääkaupunkiseudun markkinoille. 🌟 🏙️ Yritykset suuntaavat huomionsa laadukkaampiin rakennuksiin, koska #Hybridityöympäristö ja #Etätyö ovat tulleet jäädäkseen. Johto etsii keinoja saada ihmiset jälleen yhteen, ja siinä haluamme olla apuna. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota Suomen upeimpia toimistotiloja, jotka ovat myös toiminnallisia ja joustavia sekä tukevat työntekijöiden hyvinvointia. Uskomme, että kilpaillussa toimitilamarkkinassa korkealaatuiset toimitilat sekä lämmin suhde vuokralaisten ja tilojen vuokranantajan välillä ovat avaimet menestykseen. Siihen olemme halunneet panostaa. Pelkästään viime vuonna vuokrasimme noin 20 000 neliömetriä toimistotilaa. Haluaisiko yrityksenne liittyä osaksi Colony-verkostoa? Katso vapaa toimitilamme sivuiltamme tai ota yhteyttä! 👉 Videotuotanto Tilojen uudistus @suunnittelutoimistopilke #toimisto #toimitilat #hybridityö #kiinteistökehitys #kiinteistöt #työpaikalla #attheoffice #toimistopäivä #parastyöpaikka #työelämä #uusityöpaikka
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit Partners#NordicHY #sustainableinvesting #riksreward #kreditmarknad #riskpremia
@colonytoimitilatKävimme tänään tutustumassa Colony Pitäjänmäen uuteen pääsisäänkäyntiin. Pintamateriaali ja kiveys enää uupuu. Tämän myötä pääkonttorin flow ja asiakasvirrat saadaan ohjattua uuteen aulaan, josta löytyvät myös Colony Lounge ja pelihuone. 🤩💎 ENG: Colony Pitäjänmäki’s New #grandentrance is almost complete along the new Colony Lounge and #gamingroom!
@bolivobostadBolivo Simrishamn börjar ta form. Ett snyggt trygghetsboende med närhet till centrum, service och hav. Våra vänner på Fastighetsbyrån i Simrishamn tar in intresseanmälningar och förbereder för fullt inför säljstart.
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices🏢 Introducing Colony - The Future of Office Spaces! 🚀 Over the past year, we've been hard at work creating something truly remarkable - our brand new headquarters office platform, Colony! 🌟 🏙️ Companies are gravitating toward A-grade buildings as the #HybridWorkEnvironment and #WorkFromHome are here to stay. Management is looking for ways to get people back together and we are here to help. We want to be the frontrunner in Finland in providing outstanding office spaces that are also functional and flexible and support employee well-being. In this fiercely competitive environment, active asset management and a warm tenant-landlord relationship are the key to success. That is where I, together with our wonderful team, have spent most of our time. Just last year we leased over 20,000 sqm of office space. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact @Leo Suokannas - we will always listen and contribute to realising your potential.
@ALTAALLondon: If you are in London on September 27 pop-in for drinks at our office opening. RSVP to [email protected].
@ALTAALExpo Real 2023: We are looking forward to meet with old and new friends to discuss real estate themes and trends. Available in Munich on October 3-5.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersInvestment Outlook from @SEB published this morning: "The risk premium that investors are paid today to buy equities instead of bonds is at its lowest level for 10 years in Sweden." Interested in Nordic credit? Get in touch with
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersAn encouraging start to the autumn We just published the monthly report for our legacy strategy. August takes YTD return to 9% (13% annualised). While the YTD performance stands out, it is the long-term, through-the-cycle achievements that prove our strategy works. Reach out should you like to get access to our reports or learn more about our strategy and past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. An investment can increase as well as decrease in value.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit Partners9% YTD return by end of August, (13% annualised) The risk-free rate surpasses the dividend yield of major equity indices for the first time in more than a decade. If not before, it is apparent that fixed income exposure provides an attractive risk/reward to a balanced portfolio, independent of directional view. Expected twelve months gross return in our credit strategy exceeds 16%. With a target (and realised) volatility significantly lower than the equity market – the risk-adjusted return stands out. With an average coupon of 9.7% (whereof three months stibor contribute 4%), the credit risk is in parity with our historical average. Reach out to @Karl-Fredrik Hansson should you want to learn more. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. An investment can increase as well as decrease in value.
@bolivobostadTakterrass med utsikt i ett modernt trygghetsboende för äldre vuxna med det lilla extra. För mer information om Bolivo Simrishamn och andra projekt se
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit Partners”Kravet på avkastning för placeringar […] ökar och är nu på nivåer som inte har uppmätts sedan finanskrisen 2009.” Den årliga Riskpremiestudien från @PwC Sweden sätter fingret på en trend vi sett de senaste 18 månaderna och som vi stävjar genom korta löptider och räntebindning på våra innehav. #ncp #nordic #sustainable #credit #pwcsverige
@bolivobostadProjektering pågår för fullt och vi planerar för byggstart under året. Känner du någon som bor i Simrishamn? Vår bostadskö är öppen!
@ALTAALAltaal Investment Manager, Edward Ekbom will attend the INREV Young Professionals Conference in Berlin on June 20th. Looking forward to exchange ideas on relevant strategies and establish connections with colleagues around Europe.
@colonytoimitilat@dhlexpressfinland muuttaa Colony Airporttiin! 🤩 Ilo saada verkostoomme @gptwsuomi Top2-yritys, jonka toiminnan keskiössä on työntekijöiden viihtyisyys ja hyvinvointi. Rakennamme heille tätä palvelevat täysin uudet pääkonttoritilat. ENG: Super exciting! DHL Express Finland is moving to Colony Airport! 👏 #GreenLease #ESG #NewTenant #GreenHybridOffices
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices* 10 YEAR GREEN LEASE WITH @DHL We are glad to welcome
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersVår investeringskommittémedlem @Johanna Jeansson och
@colonytoimitilatKohteidemme brändiuudistus etenee! Colony-ilme tuodaa esiin rakennusten ulko- ja sisäpuolella. Samalla uudistamme opasteet, jotta kohteilla on helpompi liikkua. Kiitos @suunnittelutoimistopilke ja @signafinland avusta 👏 ENG: Each of our headquarters will see a Colony facelift this summer. New logos and signs. 🚏🌲#officelogo #officedesign #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatPitäjänmäen uusi aula- ja kahvilatiski löysi tällä viikolla uuden paikkansa atriumin keskeltä. 🤩 ENG: The atrium upgrades are coming along nicely in Pitäjänmäki. The reception/café has been relocated and next up is our state-of-the-art gym and new main entrance, can’t wait! 👏#officerenovation #hybridworking #nordicdesign
@colonytoimitilatColonyn uusin Lounge alkaa valmistua! Hieno lisä verkostoomme aivan lentokentän vieressä. 🤩 ENG: Fresh from the oven - Colony Lounge by the Airport! 💎
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersOur two Portfolio Managers @Jakob Eliasson &
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersIn the last few weeks, the market has been reminded that risks can be hidden in unexpected places. We see Nordic corporate bonds underpinned by defensive business models and predictable cash flows as a transparent and attractive asset class in the current turmoil. #ncp #sustainable #nordic #credit
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersInterest rate risk has been the main driver for the bond market volatility recently and managing it requires a different skill set than e.g. credit risk. @Nordic Credit Partners has since inception focused on our core credit investing competence without exposure to rate risk – a decision that has benefitted us tremendously ever since. #ncp #sustainable #nordic #credit
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersDet är glädjande att idag kunna meddela att vi erbjuder investerarna i NCP III en förlängning av fonden och möjlighet att dra nytta av den höga förväntade avkastningen framöver. #ncp #sustainable #nordic #credit
@ALTAAL* NEW ALTAAL OFFICE We are expanding our footprint by opening an @ALTAAL office in London during April 2023. This will further strengthen our offering towards investors and partners. The office will be led by
@colonytoimitilatPitäjänmäen uusi ravintolamme alkaa valmistua, ensimmäiset kalusteet saapuivat juuri! Nordic-teemainen kalustus tuntuu istuvan hyvin kaikkiin kohteisiimme. Kiitos @martelagroup @suunnittelutoimistopilke👌 ENG: Fresh Nordic themed furnishing in our Pitäjänmäki office restaurant. Carpenter furniture coming next week.🌲🌳#hybridoffice #nordicfurniture #officerenovation #restaurant
@bolivobostadHär är man ju sugen på att flytta in snart #Norrköping
@colonytoimitilatUpea Colony Airport tarjoaa kattavat ravintola- ja kokouspalvelut koko verkostomme vuokralaisille. Katolta löytyy lisäksi hulppeat edustustilat ja puusauna. 💎 ENG: In Colony Airport besides lobbies and restaurant, the ground floor houses an auditorium, meeting rooms and gym. The top floor contains a bathing facility with log sauna that opens to a roof terrace. All available for our Colony network. Kiitos 📸:sta @sodexosuomi 👏 #hybridoffice #lobby #auditorium #restaurant #sauna #officedesign
@ALTAALWe are further exploring the unique relationship between Sweden and Finland by becoming a member of the @Finnish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce . Thank you,
@ALTAALA fantastic winter run outside our Stockholm office. It's cold but pleasant, and spring is on its way. Parts of the real estate market are currently showing signs of weakness, but we are well positioned to seize opportunities as they arise. #realestate #opportunities
@colonytoimitilatPitäjänmäen pääkonttorimme ensimmäinen kolmesta kuntosalista on valmis! Tämä sali on raskaampaan treeniin, yläkerrassa keskitytään Cardio-laitteisiin ja ulkona oman kehon painolla tehtäviin liikkeisiin. 🏋️♀️🏋️ ENG: The first of our three (!) gyms in Pitäjänmäki is ready! #worklifebalance #fittness #healthylifestyle #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatPitäjänmäen aulan, ravintolan ja koukousmaailman remontti on loppusuoralla! 🙌 Näissä mittatilauksena hankituissa puusepänkalusteissa on pyritty huomioimaan rakennuksessa jo ennestään olevat puumateriaalit. 🪵�NG: Our made-to-measure carpenter funiture installations just started in Pitäjänmäki. #woodwork #carpenter #furnituredesign #newrestaurant #lobby #officerenovation #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatMiltä kuulostaisi padel-kenttä toimistosi katolla? 🎾 Haluamme tarjota pääkonttoriverkostomme vuokralaisille vaihtoehtoisia työtiloja ja kohtaamispaikkoja. Mietimme parhaillaan minne voisimme sijoittaa erilaisia ulkoliikuntatiloja ja näin tukea terveellistä elämäntapaa. Muutama sunnitelmamme ohessa. 🤔😉 ENG: Where should we place the Colony padel court? #healthylifestyle #officefitness #padel #outdoorgym #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatTapiolan uusi Sydänpuu pääsi tänään koekäyttöön, kun vuokralaisemme @asuntosaatio järjesti aamiaistilaisuuden pian valmistuvassa ravintolassa. Kiitos @isssuomi herkullisista tarjoiluista! 😋 ENG: First breakfast event at our soon-to-be-ready restaurant ”Heartwood” in Tapiola. #backtooffice #breakfast #community #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatHyvää huomenta Tapiolasta! 🤩 Näissä maisemissa kelpaa aloitella työpäivää. Vuokraamme parhaillaan 3. kerroksen tilaa merinäköalalla. ENG: Good morning from Tapiola! Office with spectacular views up for grabs. #oceanview #dronephotography #woodenoffice #tapiola #hybridoffice &#[email protected]
@bolivobostadEn första glimt av vår satsning i Norrköping
@colonytoimitilatColony Tapiolan kiinteistöllä sijaitsee oma metsänsä. 🌲🌲🌲Puut ovat jo yli 15 vuotiaita ja aluskasvillisuus (ml. puolukat, mustikat, kanervikot) on aikanaan tuotu Kuhmon Lentiirasta maaperänhoidon yhteydessä. Toimiston ikkunoista on kauniit maisemat puiden latvustoon. ENG: Our lovely Colony forest in Tapiola including coniferous trees and underbrush. 📸 👏 #sustainability #office #finnishforest
@colonytoimitilatTapiolan uusi aula valmistuu! Helmikuun alusta Sydänpuu tarjoaa erikoiskahveja, leivonnaisia ym. hiukopalaa. ☕️🥐Lounastarjoilun kanssa päästään vauhtiin maaliskuussa. 😋 ENG: Tapiola’s new lobby is shaping up, grand opening in February! #freshlybrewedcoffee #lobbydesign #cafeteria #officerenovation #hybridoffice
@colonytoimitilatUudet esitteet saapuivat juuri! 🤩Näillä kelpaa markkinoida kohteita uusille vuokralaisille. Laitetaan näitä myös uusien aulojemme yhteyteen. Kiitos taas kerran upeasta työstä! 👏 ENG: New brochures for leasing fresh from the oven! #officeleasing #officemarketing
@ALTAALMeet us at MIPIM to discuss the Nordic real asset market and the opportunities that are unfolding across the sector. For more info on us, see Altaal BIO:
@colonytoimitilatA lot of construction going on in Colony Airport. We have two great new tenants moving in soon! 🤩 The other one wants all rooms, the other more open space. Clearly no one-type-fits-all. 🤔 #construction #officerenovation #hybridoffice
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersAs the toughest year ever in the Nordic high yield market has lapsed, we take a moment to look back and reflect on our 2022 achievements: 📈 Top quartile performance again this year (as indeed in the previous eight) although we are never satisfied with a negative return 💰 30 MEUR deployed in 10 new investments 💼 10% AUM growth despite the market in general suffering fund outflows 🍃 Including sustainability in our active portfolio management has for another year proven to add value and reduce risk 💪 Three great new hires: @Thomas ,
@colonytoimitilatOur first Colony Lounge in Leppävaara is getting ready! Some final touches and we are good to go. 🤩 Our Lounge network is offered exclusively to our large corporate tenants who want to offer their employees a variety of office options to choose from. Soon you can find us all around the Helsinki Metropolitan Area! #hybridwork #satelliteoffice
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersHappy New Year! We would like to invite you to our webinar. Please register by sending @Karl-Fredrik Hansson a Message including your email address. We wish you a prosperous 2023
@ALTAAL2022 has been another fantastic year for @ALTAAL! We want to wish all our clients and partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. During the year, we have almost doubled our portfolio in size, strengthen the team, achieved several large lettings and green certification projects as well as broadened our investment universe both sectorial and geographical. Given all the hardship that we are now seeing in Ukraine,
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersNordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersSEB Investment Outlook out this morning: "The fundamental situation for corporate bonds thus looks rather favourable despite challenges around the world". We tend to agree. #ncp #nordic #sustainable #highyieldbonds
@colonytoimitilatSometimes its hard to imagine what an empty office could look like after renovation. created these great before and after shots for our Tapiola office. Now you do not have to imagine any longer! #officeinteriordesign #officedesign #hybridoffice #workplace #beforeandafter #officeleasing #sustainability #woodenoffice #tapiola
@colonytoimitilatThe first Colony shared car appeared in Pitäjänmäki this week. Its fully electric and can be rented on an hourly basis by our tenants. Shared cars bring flexibility to travel and improve mobility opportunities, especially for people who use public transportation. 🛻☘️#carshare #greenoffice #publictransportation
@ALTAALWe are pleased to become an investor in @Ivar Lundh & Co AB. The agenda is to develop and grow the business. We will actively be evaluating new projects, investments, talents and ideas, not only in the traditional shipping segments but also into the growing markets of renewable energy, biofuels and new technology both in the form of propulsion and cargo shipments. The Ivar Lundh Group is an established holding company for marine activities founded 1912 with interests in bunker supplier ScanOcean, ship broker Ilco Monitor Shipping, commercial operator Swede Chem Tankers and ship owner Stoc Shipping Invest.
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersOur portfolio managers @Cecilia and
@colonytoimitilatGreat to see new leasing banners up in Tapiola! 3500 sqm available in the only wooden office building in Espoo! 🌲#officeleasing #woodenoffice #sustainability #tapiola
@colonytoimitilatCheck out this fresh office in Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki! 🤩 Here our tenant wanted us to provide them with a fully furnished, turnkey office. The wing is designed for collaboration, with lots of project and meeting rooms and a central coffee hub and kitchen nook. Hats off to @merarkitekter for the design! #officeinteriordesign #officefitout #workspace #workspacedesign #officerenovation #meetingroom #projectroom #backtooffice
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL recently acquired a green high-quality multi-tenant office property in Brussels on behalf of its thematic income platform, Areelo. The building was erected in 2009 and is in a strategic location between two metro stations and at the highway access towards Luxembourg and Germany. The leasable area of almost 18,000 sqm spans across 6 floors above-ground in three wings, along with approx. 200 parking spots below-ground and with approx. 300 solar panels on the roof. Link : #quality #building #esginvesting #solar
@colonytoimitilatProud to introduce the latest addition to our hybrid office network, Colony x Airport! Of all the shades of green, this one is the darkest. 🌲With class A energy performance, Nordic design, wide variety of services and the airport at a walking distance, this location is future-proofed and ideal for your corporate headquarters. 🚀#airportoffice #officedesign #flexoffice #hybridoffice #esg #sustainability
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices* NEW DESTINATION ADDED TO COLONY IN HELSINKI We are happy to add another strategic location and new members to our green colony of high quality office buildings. It is our second signature building designed by @Helin & Co Architects. The building offers great design with a dark green profile . Warm welcome to the Colony family,
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL is a proud partner to
@ALTAALTake the opportunity to meet with @ALTAAL and its founders on
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersWe are proud to see our portfolio holding @Slättö Förvaltning, and our service provider
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL recently arranged a trip to Helsinki where we visited our properties and demonstrated the execution of our brown-to-green strategy. Dinner was served at the legendary restaurant Savoy and moderated by Finland’s former minister of defence,
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersAs Global Bonds Tumble into Their First Bear Market in a Generation, we just published the August NAV, +0.91% (YTD +0.51%), for our Sustainable Nordic Corporate Bond Strategy. Bloomberg bond index (LEGATRUU Index) drops 20% from its January 2021 peak. During the same period, our strategy has generated a return of +8.08%.
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL is featured in a videocast from
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL is featured in a videocast streaming from
@colonytoimitilatA 100 new solar panels on Colony x Pitäjänmäki’s rooftop! ☀️ That is equivalent to 300 trees planted every year. 🌳 LED lighting and circulation pumps will also make the building even greener. Green hybrid offices for our smart tenants. 👏 #solarpanels #sustainability #hybridoffice Visit and join us!
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid officesWe are proud to continuously execute on our brown-to-green conversion strategy which often includes creative tenant dialogues followed by investments in solar, LED-lightning and circulation pumps etc. Thank you @CGI for the collaboration. See our recent brown-to-green movie: #ESG #Solar #LED #greenbuilding
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersTurbulent financial markets help no-one, but we are pleased to see that our focus on Nordic sustainable bonds with short tenor, floating rate coupons and manageable credit risk continues to provide stability to our investors’ portfolios. YTD July performance 2XL: -0.4% NCO: -0.1% NCP III: -1.6% Peer average (Morningstar): -5.4% Swedish equities (OMXSGI): -18.8% Swedish gov’t bonds: (OMRX Total Bond): -5.7% Swedish real estate (Carnegie Real Estate Index): -35.3% #ncp #sustainable #nordic #highyieldbonds
@ALTAAL@ALTAAL is featured in the podcast,
@bolivobostadIdag deltog vår styrelseledamot @ellab0hlin i ett seminarium arrangerat av @fastighetsv där framtiden för samhällsfastigheter diskuterades☀️ En givande diskussion under en strålande sol i vackra Visby!🏡🏗
@bolivobostadVi ses i Visby!☀️ Bolivo kommer att närvara vid årets upplaga av Almedalen. Eric Swahn och Henrik Schmidt ses gärna över en kaffe för att prata om hur vi bäst utformar framtidens bostäder för landets seniorer. Hör av er på [email protected] eller +46 76 894 40 60 om ni vill ses, vi är där 4-6 juli!🙏🏻
@bolivobostadSes vi i Almedalen? Vi är på plats 4-6 juli och ses gärna över en kaffe för att prata om framtidens bostäder för landets seniorer ☀️☕️🏡 Tveka inte att kontakta Eric Swahn om ni är nyfikna på att höra mer om Bolivo! 📧: [email protected] ☎️: 076-894 40 60
@bolivobostadIdag befinner vi oss på plats i Simrishamn tillsammans med @vaningenvillan 🙋🏻♂️🙋🏼♀️ Ni hittar oss på Stortorget från kl. 11:30 och framåt. Sväng förbi för höra mer om Bolivo och våra gröna livsstilsbostäder!🏡☀️🌊
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices* 10 YEAR GREEN LEASE WITH ASUNTOSÄÄTIÖ We are glad to continue our collaboration with @Asuntosäätiö for at least another 10 years in our Tapiola location and further develop our green hybrid offering in the coming years together. Press release : #hybrid #green #office
@bolivobostadFör två veckor sedan blev Bolivo tilldelade sin första direktanvisning🏡 I Fridhem, Ängelholm planerar vi för cirka 50 lägenheter i två plan med balkong eller uteplats och hiss. Den generösa och smakfullt utformade vinterträdgården blir en naturlig mötesplats året om.Vi erbjuder bostäder för dig som vill ha ett tryggt och socialt rikt liv☀️ Läs mer om projektet och hur du gör en intresseanmälan på vår hemsida!🙏🏻
@ALTAALAltaal was recently awarded its first exclusive land allocation from a Swedish municipality for its unique senior housing strategy, Bolivo. The 4,800 sqm allocation given by Ängelholms kommun is a strong testament to Bolivo and its values. Further info (SWE video): #impactinvesting #esg #green
@ALTAALAltaal is featured in the Swedish business magazine @Affärsvärlden under its real estate section. #alternativeinvestments #inflation #esg
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersSustainable investing and evaluating ESG measures are fundamentals to NCP and has proven to be value creating for our investors. Two years has lapsed since our head of ESG, @Cecilia Bevik-Cronqvist, implemented our tailormade framework. The policy was developed together with our sustainability council to fit our investment strategy as well as align the product offering with our core values. It is qualitative as well as quantitative and implies a close dialogue with bond issuers pre and post investment. At our last advisory gathering, Cecilia had the opportunity to give an update on the framework and how it is practiced in our everyday portfolio management operations. Our guest of honor,
@bolivobostadI onsdags höll vi tillsammans med @fastighetsbyran.sandviken i ett ”Öppet Hus” på Björkgatan i Sandviken🏡 Intresset var stort och det bjöds på rundtur av lediga lägenheter och fikabröd bakat av vår samarbetspartner @kanalgardensandviken☕️🌟Nu finns det bara en ledig lägenhet kvar, först till kvarn gäller!🏃🏻♂️💨
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersSEB Investment Outlook out this morning: "Our fixed income portfolio now has a slight overweight in corporate bonds and a continued short duration (low interest rate sensitivity)."
@ALTAALWe are participating at Business Arena in Helsinki on May 24, 2022. Don't hesitate to reach out to @Henrik Schmidt or
Colony - Green hybrid offices
@Colony - Green hybrid offices* 7.5 YEAR GREEN LEASE WITH @CGI We are thrilled to continue our collaboration with
@colonytoimitilatAs a tenant and employee you will have access to all shared space of all our locations, with no regard to where you have your headquarters. Take a look at what we have planned for Tapiola. 🏡 #hybridwork #sustainableoffice #futureoffice
@colonytoimitilatCould this be your next office? �t Colony we offer quality offices with a high degree of design 💎 #officedesign #hybridwork
@ALTAALAltaal is now together with Avant Capital Partners taking the next step in the establishment of a green hybrid office company under the brand @Colony - Green hybrid offices. Our green yield strategy now includes a portfolio > 100,000 sqm certified offices. Board of directors:
@colonytoimitilatTake the opportunity and let us help you shaping your future office environment. We offer a green hybrid office experience.
@bolivobostadVem vill bo med havsutsikt i hjärtat av Österlen?🙋🏼♀️☀️🌊 Kontakta Lisa Samuelsson på @vaningenvillan för chansen att säkra din drömbostad!✌🏻 Telefon: 076 640 29 89 Email: [email protected]
@ALTAALTogether with 1,200 participants, Altaal ran in a charity race in Stockholm for the children in Malawi! #charity
@bolivobostadEn ny och sprudlande stadsdel växer fram strax söder om Vrinnevisjukhuset i Norrköping. Här, i det lugna och trygga Björkalund, förvärvade vi nyligen byggrätter från @lundbergsfastigheter 🏡🏗☀️ I Bolivo Norrköping planerar vi för 35 ljusa lägenheter i fyra plan med hiss och väl tilltagna balkonger. Genom en välplanerad gemensamhetslokal i bottenplan, med skyddat läge, erbjuds de boende möjlighet till gemenskap och en social samvaro samt hjälp och stöd från en av våra trivselvärdar☕️🗞 Lämna en intresseanmälan på vår hemsida nu för att säkra din drömbostad!💚
Nordic Credit Partners
@Nordic Credit PartnersWe’re looking for our next team member. Know anyone who might be interested?
@colonytoimitilatHere is one of our environmental flagships! Geothermal heating, solar energy and so much more. #Leppävaara #solar #green
@colonytoimitilatAll our buildings are green and certified accordingly. Here is one of our fantastic buildings constructed with the use of wood and glass, signatured Helin & Co Architects #tapiola #wood #greenarchitecture
@colonytoimitilatServiced and hybrid workspace is the future for the modern professional and a strong benefit for our tenants as we have a large and integrated Helsinki portfolio #pitäjänmäki #hybrid #service
@colonytoimitilatMeet Niklas, in the centre of our re-design initiatives with a strong focus on investing in our built environment using recyclable materials and interior innovation. #stockholm #recykling #creativity
@colonytoimitilatESG and creativity are key for us when we elaborate with tenants to develop our offices together to reach new levels of experience. #Leppävaara #innovation #ESG
@colonytoimitilatOur hybrid offering comprises multiple Helsinki locations with attractive space #vallila #hybrid #office
@colonytoimitilatWe pride ourselves with building a team that really care about customer satisfaction - meet Leo Suokannas +358 40 6516359 #team #empowerment #talent
@colonytoimitilatCertified buildings with 100% green spaces is an ambition that we are already meeting today for our +100,000 sqm Helsinki portfolio #leppävaara #sustainability #solarenergy
@colonytoimitilatGreat architectural design is one of our four cornerstones. #tapiola #greenbuilding #wood
@bolivobostadGlad påsk från oss på Bolivo Bostad!🐣
@ALTAALAltaal recently became the largest owner in a portfolio of three properties under its EUR 1 billion brown-to-green impact investment strategy. The assets, which are located in Vallila, one of the leading office hubs in Helsinki, consists of 41,000 square metres office space and 14,500 sqm underground parking. All buildings were heavily refurbished by Varma in 2019. Several high-profile tenants such as S-Group, MTV, Telia, OP Financial Group and Nordea have their headquarters in Vallila. More info (SWE):
@bolivobostadFullt hus på dagens stormöte inför projektstart i Simrishamn